Creating Impact Through Dialogue, Partnerships and Investments

Who We Are

The International Climate Finance Centre (ICFC) is a non-profit organization created to enable the development of green finance in the developing world. The main goal is to mobilize the banking industry to adopt green finance practices and accelerate green investments in climate adaptation and mitigation through capacity building and partnerships while building a pipeline of bankable projects to absorb the climate finance mobilised! In addition, the Centre will act as a regional think-tank, producing knowledge and research in green finance, assisting governments in policy making and supporting quasi-state organizations and financial institutions and working closely with the private sector/governments to design and mobilize finance for green projects!

Our Mission

Our mission is to support the transition to a greener economy across industries focusing on the role of the financial industry in developing countries , building capacity within financial institutions to support the growth and emergence of green industries. We facilitate cross-sector collaborations, leading debates and facilitating partnerships between financial institutions, private sectors, policy makers, and multi-lateral bodies across the globe to mitigate climate impact internationally. Our centre is be positioned at the intersection of the private sector, regulators, financial industry, and research institutes to drive change.

Our Vission

Our vision is to reclaim the financial industry as an engine for change, inspiring innovative and disruptive financial instruments to drive the green economy transition.

We envision an interconnected international ecosystem, with climate and environmental factors at the forefront of mainstream financial & political decision making.

To realize a radical transformation in mobilizing and re-allocating capital globally towards green initiatives in the global South that will reshape cities, livelihoods, energy systems and land use around the World.


There is a narrowing window of opportunity to halve emissions to ensure that global temperatures stay within the limits of the Paris Agreements on Climate Change for net-zero by 2050. While the biodiversity and biosecurity arenas are still building institutions for target setting and public-private collaboration, the threats of these crises are nonetheless just as imminent and important.

The emergence of new technologies, new consumer habits and disruptive business models are market drivers for change in an otherwise slow but needed political process. Major stakeholders need to work in partnership over the next decade to transform to cleaner industries and solutions, to combat the climate, biodiversity and health crises. For this reason, the main purpose of the International Climate Finance Centre is to create and promote opportunities for stakeholder engagement and multi-level governance and collaboration.

Climate Finance Ecosystem

The International Climate Finance Centre is a curated and growing network of relevant, high-level international organizations and decision-makers, that are actively motivated to participate in the rapid transition to a net-zero economy. Of those, the International Climate Finance Centre holds a number of long-term partnerships with globally leading governments, businesses, investors and international organisations.

Development finance institutions (DFIs)

Philanthropic Organizations

Think Tanks

Climate-Related Funds

Strategic Climate Funds